Documentary screenings on Climate Change, 8th Dec @ IHC, New Delhi

An evening of films on Climate Change

6.30 – 9 pm, Saturday, 8th December 2007

Casurina Hall, India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road, New Delhi

facilitated by
KRITI FILM CLUBfor thought-provoking cinema

organised by
Global Climate Campaign

The films will be followed by a chat session with the film makers- Madhab Panda; Vijay Jodha; Pallava Bagla - Science Editor, NDTV; Ishita Khanna, Spitiecosphere and some other friends.

6.30 pm:

Opening and Welcome

6.45 pm:
Global Warming - a fable from the Himalayas
by Nitin Das (8 mins/ English)

A short 8 minute film shot near Tibet, this is a magical tale about a young boy who finds the solution to Global Warming from a monk in the mountains. The entire cast of the film is from Kaaza, a small town in Spiti Valley. The film was made possible by spitiecosphere, an NGO based out of Spiti. The main intention of this film is to spread the message of how fast Global warming is impacting the fragile ecosystems.

7 – 7.30 pm:
Changing Climates: The Science
by Television Trust For The Environment (27 minutes/ English)

Ever since the industrial revolution sparked the widespead burning of fossil fuels, climatologists have been preoccupied with measuring the effects of carbon dioxide on the earth's climate. In the first of films on climate change, Earth Report takes a look back over 200 years of evolving scientific thought - sometimes confusing and contradictory - that has shaped the global warming debate.

7.45 – 8.30 pm:
Climate Change – an Untold Story…a series of 4 films, winners of the UK Environment Fellowships, 2005 (45 minutes/ English)

Climate’s First Orphans
by Nila Madhab Panda

As the global debate on climate change heats up, this film tells the story of 20,000 homeless villagers in the coastal districts of Orissa, whose existence has been wiped out by the rising sea level.

The Weeping Apple Tree
by Vijay S. Jodha

This film illustrates the complex issue of climate change by focusing on the shifting apple-growing belt in Himachal Pradesh.

A Degree of Concern
by Syed fayaz

This film looks at the implications of climate change on glaciers, and how artificial glaciers are improving the water supply of Ladakh for now.

A Green Agony
by Geeta Singh

This film explores the unique ecosystem of the Sunderbans and analyses the impact of global climate change on this Indian coastal zone.

Please do stay for the discussion after the screenings.

Open for everyone!

Contact info:

KRITI FILM CLUB, based in New Delhi is an effort at placing thought-provoking cinema in a discussion group to enable debate, analysis and opinion making on social and development issues and human rights. Screening documentary films every month at our workplace in Alaknanda since the year 2000, the film club has grown to become a borrowing and buying space for such films from across the country. We are also gradually being invited to curate and run film screenings around the city and the country by development and human rights groups and movements. The film club is an independent initiative of KRITI: a development research, praxis and communication team and runs on contributions of filmmakers and our audience.

Write to if you are a filmmaker interested in screening/ sharing or disseminating your films through us and to if you’d like to join our mailing list!
Phone: +91-11-2602 7845/ 2603 3088
