poetry...as we celebrate women's day on 8th March

i have heard the silence
loud & clear...
i have felt the pain & anger
that your eyes speak of...
i have seen you going along,
amidst the shadows of truth...
on the path that is your life...
but i know that i will be there,
to break the silence with you!

a woman worker....
" I am unable to strike off the shadows
of perpetual violence
that lurk a woman's life,
that seem to walk over all the paths she treads on
and linger till darkness falls
and there is no way to brightness
I shelter myself, in this space…
a place where I work for life to be meaningful,
to share and laugh,
to experience the love and caring that I deserve…
I question, challenge and create a new way of seeing and doing…
with men and women…with no violence at the workplace."

8th march...

I sit on my table
Writing a letter to a friend…
a mother, a wife, a daughter-in-law, a daughter and more
and wonder…
what women's day means to her
as she juggles between all her roles,
not easy to do…
tries to keep everyone happy, including herself,
not easy again...
What does 8th march mean to her…
A celebration of her roles and shopping discounts to go along?
Its easy for me to celebrate freedom…voice my opinion…claim my rights…
Because I'm ME…
But what about my friend…can she rediscover herself as a woman today?
I truly hope so as I wish all of you a Happy Women's Day!

Secure hands…
Food security lies in the hands that produce
across fields and homes
that nurture and manage everyday…
that treasure knowledge and cultures…
generation after generation.
They lack assets and income, yet they feed
Their labour is unrecognised, yet they sow and harvest
Their knowledge is negated, yet they create and innovate
They face violence, yet they survive
They are ignored by trade policy
yet they produce, reproduce and manage for trade to work!
They are the defenders of household food security
They share the same universe as men, yet their share is unequal
Can you guess who they are?


the stars sparkle with the sounds of silence…
as the night sky wakes up to the moon rise.
the ocean celebrates with dancing waves…
as the earth resounds with the song of freedom.
(aanchal kapur)
