Pre-Invite for 8-9th August by Kriti team

Dear friends
August is a month for remembrance and celebration. 6th marks Hiroshima; 9th marks Nagasaki and the International Day for World’s Indigenous People; 15th is India’s Independence Day; and 30th is the International Day for World’s Disappeared Persons.

The Kriti team invites you to engage with memory for peace and freedom in the present and future, by joining us for a play titled ‘Traitors’ on the evening of 8th August and a day-long documentary film screening event titled ‘A Deal for Life and Freedom’ on 9th August in New Delhi. These events are coming together with the labour and support of several individuals and groups.

Its Friday and Saturday next week, so block your dates and look out for further details on your email or on this blogpost.

with wishes for synergy and energy,

Kriti team
