for research and networking on reproductive and sexual health

an address book with write-ups on reproductive and sexual health issues

- a publication of Kriti: a development research, praxis & communication team
Something as innocuous as an address book can become charged with energy and potential, when it combines the dual forces of information and networking. Information is power, a subversive potential to fight existing inequity and subjugation. Networking at one level is a process that facilitates the spread of information, both consciously and spontaneously, and at another level it’s a goal in itself.

This address book is created as a shared resource of young and old women/ men across the world, to build linkages and mobilise them around reproductive and sexual rights. As a creative information resource, it brings together write-ups on different aspects of reproductive and sexual heath and rights. Based on research of 20 years of the women’s health rights movement. Issues covered include:
-Safe Abortion
- Accessible Contraception
- Reproductive & Sexual Rights of Young People
- Female Genital Mutilation
- Sexual Violence & Rape
- Displaced Women's Lives
- Trafficking
- Maternal Mortality & Morbidity
- Sexual Health & Rights
A hard bound four colour address book in the size of 6.5'' X 7.5'' with space for 624 contacts and addresses, this ‘networking resource’ is not only useful but also has thought-provoking illustrations and information. Though the write-ups are not exhaustive they are expansive of the issues that need attention at the level of research, organizing, action, networking and advocacy. You can use it to strengthen your connections with like-minded groups at local, national and international levels and in the process, create a web of support for the recognition, promotion and protection of women’s reproductive and sexual rights.

“Together we can achieve, what alone we can only dream.”

Suggested contribution: Rs.150.00 (postage extra)
order a copy from 011-26027845/
