Visit the Kriti Docushop stall at Vatavaran Film Festival, 27-31 October

dear friends

the Kriti team volunteers are at the India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road, New Delhi from 27th October to 31st October at the Vatavaran Environment Film Festival ...

Come and visit us while you come to watch some films, if you are passing by or make a special visit! 

You can pick up several different documentaries, books, greeting cards and handmade paper stationary as well as community made, eco-friendly and useful accessories, jute and cloth bags/ wallets/ mobile covers, tshirts, woolen stoles, shawls, herbs and preserves, bird and tree prints and more!

Do also sign up to our mailing list and/ or to volunteer or support our work while you are there!

We hope to see you! Call us 26033088/ 9350850820  for further details.

In touch with the ecosystem,

