Childbirth Film festival 2010 brings two films that explore aspects of birth which are rarely available for public viewing. Our goal in presenting these films is to enhance awareness of possibilities for more humane, mother-friendly birth situations which do not compromise on safety.
Seen as a celebration of natural birth, this is a collaboration between the Kriti Film Club and the Delhi Birth Network. Kriti Film Club is an educational initiative of a development research, praxis and communication group, Kriti team. Delhi Birth Network provides information and resources that will hopefully empower parents to be to make informed choices about birth.
The film screenings will be followed by interactive discussions with the audience.
We thank the India Habitat Centre for providing venue support for these screenings.
This event is open for all those interested. Not advisable for children below 16 years. Parental supervision advised for older children.
Time and Venue for both days
Films Package
The Business Of Being Born (English/2007/83mins) Dir. Abby Epstein. Key in every birth is a commitment to doing what's best for mother and baby. However, hospitals and doctors often too quickly advocate medical intervention in the interest of saving time and avoiding potential litigation. While unquestionably advocating midwifery over hospital birthing, this documentary explores expert opinions, and anecdotal experiences of both mothers and midwives that are crucial in making an informed decision about the use of midwifery in birthing.
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