Kriti Film Club
invites you for the premiere screening of


a film by Parvez Imam
{44 minutes/ English (subtitles)}

27th April, 7.00 to 8.30 pm

@ Amaltas Basement Theatre
Indian Habitat Center, Lodhi Road New Delhi
(Entry from Gate No. 3)
ABOUT THE FILM: Five random travelers come together to trek to a waterfall in Hampi – a serene heartland in Southern India, famous for its ruins, temples and a river. They trudge across the surreal landscape, happily disconnected from their routine lives. To recharge their energies after walking for sometime they stop under a rock shelter. An innocuous discussion begins to change the trajectory of their thoughts.

Meanwhile, in yet another part of Hampi, an Israeli photographer is searching for peace through meditation when most other backpackers choose drugs.

And, a young Palestinian doctor, travels half the globe to a small country in South America, hoping to make others understand the routine challenges of life in her homeland.

Everybody is searching for something. Can they find it?

‘The Waterfall’ is a journey that brings together all these people, as they share their hopes and angst while searching for answers.

ABOUT THE FILM MAKER: Parvez is an independent filmmaker, musician, writer, traveler who has worked on many films of human interest. A doctor by profession, he used to work in Psychiatry before he it gave up and turned into a fulltime filmmaker since 1995.

ABOUT THE FILM CLUB: Kriti Film Club is an educational and research oriented initiative of Kriti: a development research, praxis and communication team. We offer an independently financed and informal space for screening documentary films on a whole range of social, development, human rights & environment issues. The whole idea of the KRITI Film Club is to place thought-provoking cinema in a discussion group that will help to deepen understanding on these issues amongst viewers and film-makers. We also serve as a borrowing & distribution space for documentary films from India and abroad

Phone: +91-11-26033088/ 26027845
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Facebook group: Kriti team Facebook page: Gestures by Kriti team
