ECOFESTIVAL by Kriti team | 1-3 June 2024 | ecoReels, ecoArt workshops, ecoHaat | Alliance Francaise de Delhi

Kriti team invites you to our 25th Foundation day and World Environment Day (WED) celebrations with the EcoFestival 2024 at the Alliance Francaise de Delhi from - 1st to 3rd June 2024 (10.30 am to 9.00 pm).

The festival aims at creating greater awareness, interest and actions to protect the environment; mitigate climate change, build climate resilience; and adopt sustainability in everyday citizen actions. The international theme for WED 2024 is “OUR LAND. OUR FUTURE. We are #GENERATIONRESTORATION”, and we hope to make some pledges to support the campaign.

The festival brings together an exciting, inspiring and learning activities for children, youth and adults to beat the summer and election heat and make some ecofootprints together. 

ecoReels Film Festival on Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development – short and long films from all over India, with conversations to follow. Curated and organised by our flagship initiative, the Kriti Film Club. Click here for schedule.  Download PDF

ecoArtWorkshops – Recycle, Upcycle and Create your own utility and gifting items to conserve Planet Earth. Open for all age groups (5+ onwards). You will get all the materials at the venue.  Click here for schedule and details. Download PDFPDF

ecoHaat – handmade, ecofriendly and beautiful products supporting dignified livelihoods of producers and enabling sustainable shopping by consumers. Brands include Baragaon Weaves, Sewa Ruaab, Dori Stori and Gestures Ecological. Curated and organised as part of our livelihood support programme. Follow Insta Insta handle for updates

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