Kriti Infomailer: July 2008

Dear Friends

Monsoon greetings from the Kriti team! We'd like to mark the following days on your calendar this July 2008 and share a list of selected book and documentary film titles available with us at the Kriti DOCUSHOP. For other titles do visit or write to us! We look forward to your orders!!

5 Koel Karo Day (marking the struggle against dam’ned displacement in Jharkhand)

11 World Population Day


The Jharkhand Movement

By R.D.Munda & S Bose Maullick/IWGIA & BIRSA/Denmark & Jharkhand / 2003

Contribution: Rs. 400.00

The volume contains the most significant articles and documents of the Jharkhand Movement, the oldest autonomy movements in India, which as recently resulted in the formation of a separate state by that name. The basic line inquiry concerning the issue (dispossession from life supporting resources of land, forest, water and identity) and the remedy (provision of autonomy), has been discussed from different angles by leading social scientists and activists. In the process can be seen emerging a development critique with an alternative provided by tribal/indigenous perspective aimed a reconstructing a society based equality; economy based on cooperation, caring – sharing, conservation, subsistence and decentralization; a policy based on conscience democracy and art based on collective participation and enjoyment. Analogous to the complexities of the Jharkhand cultural areas and the varying ideological background of the authors concerned he insights projected are constructive.

Unraveling Bhakra

By Shripad Dharmadhikary/ Manthan, Madhya Pradesh/ 2005

Contribution: Rs.150.00

The Bhakra Nangal project has become a legend in India; from making India self sufficient in food grains production to making Punjab and Haryana highly prosperous and surplus states. This book is the report of a study of the Bhakra Nangal project carried out by Manthan Adhyayan Kendra. This study was carried out over 3 years from December 2001 to December 2004.

VOICES of the adivasis/ indigenous people of India

Edited By AICFAIP/ AICFAIP, New Delhi / 2001

Contribution: Rs. 50.00

As a complement to the numerous writings about the indigenous peoples, this book presents a collection of authentic statements or testimonies made BY the indigenous people of India or Adivasis. This part is an ongoing research, documentation and publication programme initiated by a variety of Adivasi organizations and Indian as well as international organization.

Eviction Watch India - II

Edited by Sushil George & Suresh Nautiyal/ HRLN / 2006

Contribution: Rs.350.00

This book is essential reading for anyone interested in the community development programs including the policymakers, planners, lawyers and human rights activists as also those who are concerned of the magnitude of the housing problem in country.

A Critical Assessment of the Draft National Rehabilitation Policy

By Delhi Forum/ 2006

Suggested Contribution: Rs.25.00

The main text of this booklet is specific critique on the National Rehabilitation Policy 2006.

Delhi ka Riij Van – Vinash aur Angrakshan (Hindi)

Edited by Kalpavriksh/ Kalpavriksh, New Delhi/1994

Contribution: Rs.40.00

This main aim of this book is to find/gather information about the forest cover in Delhi region. It deals with finding answers to the questions posed by many organizations and individuals at various times about the protection and preservation of the forest cover in Delhi.

The World Bank as Knowledge Producer

By Shripad Dharmadhikary/Manthan, Madhya Pradesh/ 2008

Contribution: Rs.100.00

Knowledge is rapidly emerging as the soft power of the World Bank. The bank produces and uses vast amounts of knowledge – studies, analysis, surveys, and reports – to justify the polices it is recommending. This is the creation of ‘intellectual’ support for privatization, commercialization and globalization. This raises concerns about the knowledge produced by the bank. This study examines the World Bank’s role as a knowledge producer in context of water sector in India. It presents several case studies of the use of knowledge by the bank to promote and justify specific policies. It draws out and overall critique of knowledge provider role of the bank.

The Real World of NGOs

By Dorothea Hilhorst/ Zed Books, UK & New York/ 2003

Contribution: Rs. 680.00

Against an international context where NGOs are still seen, in contrast to many official development agencies, as the saviors and sources of hope for an otherwise disappointed development process, Dorothea Hilhorst provides for the first time an empirically rooted and theoretically innovative understanding f everyday politics, actual internal workings, organizational practices and discursive repertories of this kind of organization. Her evidences and insights lead to a difficult picture of NGOs from the one prevailing in the literature. And her model of NGOs not as clear-cut organization, but often with several different faces, fragmented, and consisting of social networks whose organizing practices remain in flux, is helpful to understanding not just the bodies, but official development agencies too.

What the market does to people

By David Macarov/Zed Books, UK & New York / 2003

Contribution: 680.00

This is admittedly a tendentious book-or what French scholars might term, with more positive connotations, an engaged book. Any arguments in the long-run privatization and globalization- as well as the other factors that are now make for inequality- will make for a better, more just, more compassionate world through efficiency and free-markets are not examined. These are all pie-in-the-sky rationalization and justifications for the injustice being perpetrated now. There is no point in quoting evidence so far, and as far as now can be foreseen, is that they do not and will not help the poor. On the contrary, they almost already worsen the position of poor people, and – in many cases are designed to do so. This book is focussed on the evidence that this is so.

Millennium Challenges & Glimmer of Hope

Edited By Ajit Muricken & M.C.Raj / VAK publication, Mumbai/ 1999

Contribution: Rs. 680.00

As we approach the occasion to celebrate the New millennium, the personal - social horizon of hope should strengthen our resolve to create a new era of prosperity of a qualitatively more humane egalitarian, secular, democratic, ecologically balanced, socially just and sustainable kind, than anything known in the past. This calls, for a paradigm shift from ‘market’ and commodities to people centric approach. The realization of the alternative vision rests upon a community sense and collective endeavor based on the accumulative experience of the people and their knowledge system. Search for an alternative is not mere utopia or idealizing the past. It grows, out of the past and present experience and opportunities that emerge from the failure and crisis of the present. Creativity and self-preservation and innovation are the very essential dimension of e human spirit. Negation and dialectical transcendence is integral to human progress and hope for the future.

The Hindu Social System & Human Rights of Dalits

By Sukhadeo Thorat/ Critical Quest, New Delhi/ 2004

Contribution: Rs.20.00

This book deals with the UN human rights framework and discusses how the Hindu religious and social order in its original and classical form comes in direct conflict with the universal human rights framework. Also this book gives answers to perception of Hindu social system with regard to human rights in Indian society, meaning of’ human rights’ ‘human being (social), the extent to which the legal protection as helped the untouchables to acquire their rights and how antagonistic Hindu Social make enforcement of Civil Rights Act difficult.

Conversation as Emancipation

By BR Ambedkar/ Critical Quest, New Delhi/ 2004

Contribution: Rs.20.00

This book deals with various incidences in the life of BR Ambedkar and how it emancipates his thoughts into actions.

Slain By the System

By Ms. CB Muthamma/ The Viveka Foundation, New Delhi/ 2003

Contribution: Rs.250.00

Slain by the System is not just the most severe indictment of the Indian political system, but a solution to it. For that concerned about being citizens of what, many believe, is a rudderless India, the book is an overarching source of wisdom and even comfort. Covering the widest spectrum of issues, the author strikes again and again at the root causes of problems. The book is a tribute to an unrelenting and compassionate patriot who spent a lifetime fighting against corruption and low standards of governance in the corridors of power. If the essays are insightful and wise, they are also witty, smart, if they are deeply spiritual and compassionate; they are also pragmatic and applicable.

Disability and the Law

By Shruti, Deepika, Priyanka/ HRLN, New Delhi/ 2005

Contribution: Rs.800.00

This book brings together progressive judgements from various Indian courts and forums relating to the rights of persons with disabilities on issues like employment, education, access, housing and social security, apart from those lying down some vital general principles of disability rights. Some fresh grounds have been covered by including judgements originating from statutes and branches of law, which are not directly related with disabilities, but have provisions that impact matters such as divorces/marriage, adoption/guardianship, property and criminology.

No Destination- an autobiography

By Satish Kumar/ The Viveka Foundation /New Delhi/2003

Contribution: Rs.225.00

When he was only nine years old, Satish Kumar renounced the world and joined the wandering brotherhood of Jain monks. Dissuaded from this path by an inner voice at the age of eighteen, he began a campaigner for land reforms, working to turn Gandhi’s vision of a renewed and peaceful world literally. Fired by the example of Bertrand Russell, he undertook an 8000-mile peace pilgrimage, walking from India to America without any money, through deserts, mountains, storms and snow. It was an adventure, during which he was thrown into jail in France, faced a loaded gun in America and delivered packets of ‘peace tea’ to the leaders of the four nuclear powers. Written with penetrating simplicity, no destination is an exhilarating account of an extraordinary life. First published in 1978, this revised edition contains two new chapters, bringing his story up to date.


By Gautam Bhatia/The Viveka Foundation/ 2007

Contribution: Rs.550.00

Whitewash The tabloid that wasn’t about the India that isn’t is a disturbingly indiscreet piece of writing that rips apart conventional Indian notions of politics, equality, ownership, love, personal rights of the country- all in a way that at once distress and invigorated while laying bare the hypocrisy of our ordinary lives. All in all, a riotous read in a uniquely digestible format to be chewed and sallowed at leisure.

Saare Mausam Ache (Hindi)

By Safdar Hasmi and Neelema Sheikh/ Sahmat/ 2006

Contribution: Rs.50.00

A beautiful interpretation of seasons of India. Poems by safdar hasmi and paintings by neelema sheikh compliment each other and it’s a delight to read such beautiful creations.

Documentary Films


By Amar Kanwar/ 52 mins/ DVD/ Hindi (English subtitles)

Contribution: Rs. 500.

Marubhumi is a documentary about the story of water in Rajasthan, India and offers glimpses of history, policies and the development of water harvesting in ancient and modern Jodhpur (Marwad).

Baphlimali 173

By Amar Kanwar / 28 mins/ DVD/ English

Contribution: Rs. 500.00

Baphlimali 173 is a film about the resistance movement of the Kashipur tribals in South Orissa, against bauxite mining and aluminum companies. It is a film about globalization and tribal consciousness, a brief glimpse into an 8 year long struggle that is pushing out powerful Indian and international companies from the tribal lands in the Eastern Ghats in Orissa, India.

Development At Gun-Point

By KP Sasi/ 38 mins/ DVD/ English

Contribution: Individuals - Rs. 250.00; Organizations - Rs. 500.00

A documentary film on the social and environmental impact of bauxite mining in Kashipur, Orissa and the subsequent struggle of adivasis in the region.

Resilient Rhythms – a Dalit Story

By Gopal Menon /Other Media Communications/ 64mins/ VCD/ English

Contribution: Individuals – Rs.500.00 Organizations – Rs.1000.00

This film documents the various atrocities that are committed on people simply because of their caste and shows how Dalits are fighting back. It deals with a range of dalit responses from armed struggle to electoral politics.


By Shahid Jamal /Human Rights Law Network/ 47 mins/ VCD/ English

Contribution: Rs.500.00

This is a film about the spectra of poverty and hunger, the starvation deaths that have stalked Indian villages as the tragic metaphoric threshold between the State as a mass murderer and the starving Indian farmer, mostly landless, as the suicidal victims, or the slow, tortured condemned prisoner of his (or her) hunger-driven fate. Where the fatedness is marked by a design, a man-made design, a structural adjustment paradigm, a liberalization code, a globalised repetition, which is no more a dead cliché but a cold-blooded recipe for organized killing.

Cosmopolis - Two Tales of a City/

By Paromita Vohra/14.5mins/ VCD/ English

Contribution: individuals Rs. 350.00; organizations Rs. 750.00 student Rs 250.00

Two short tales sonder about the idea of Bombay as a great Cosmo polis while examining its divisions of class, language and food. The first tale is a brief impression of Bombay's mill area. The second looks at the conflicts born from "vegetarian societies" - building that won't allow non-vegetarians as residents.

Q2P- Toilets and the City

By Paromita Vohra/pukar/53 mins/ VCD/ English-Hindi

Contribution: Students - Rs 300.00 Individuals - Rs.500.00; Organizations - Rs. 1500.00

Who is dreaming up the global city? Q2P peers through the dream of Mumbai as a future Shanghai and finds… public toilets… not enough to them.

The Source of Life for Sale

By KP Sasi/ Vikas Adhyayan Kendra/ 9 mins/ VCD/ English

Contribution: Individuals Rs.250.00; Organizations Rs. 500.00

Across Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi, local people speak out against commercial interests soaking up their water resources.

Send us your orders and we will confirm the same with the postage costs before dispatch!

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