Celebrate the World Environment Day: Ecofestival, 4-5 June 2010

dear friends
we are celebrating the world environment day with the second Eco Festival by Kriti team with the support and encouragement of the American Centre on 4-5 June 2010, from 12 noon to 8.30 pm.

The festival will bring together an exciting mix of activities that would help each of us to think, see, create, consume, be inspired and entertained around key issues of environmental conservation and sustainability. There will be ecoArt and ecoDance workshops (for children and adults); ecoReels (documentaries on wild life, water and energy); ecoInstallations (alternatives and solutions); ecoHaat and ecoCafe (for organic food and buys); ecoMovements (a puppet based performance); ecoRhythms (a contemporary dance and music performance); ecoWalktheTalk (getting to know Delhi's trees and birds) and an ecoCompetition (entries from the public for display).

The programme details will be up on http://krititeam.blogspot.com; and our facebook group: Kriti team.

This mailer invites you to send entries for an ecoCompetition to share your thoughts and creativity of key themes as given. We hope to hear from many of you and do forward this to others who may be interested.

In harmony,

Kriti team

Facebook group: Kriti team
Facebook page: Gestures by Kriti team
