Support and Partner with the Kriti team


dear friends
we at the kriti team are looking forward to sharing our skills, our information and communication resources and our products with YOU and your organisations.

we have been offering these different services and resources for over 12 years now, some paid and a lot unpaid and non-funded as a principle of organisation building.

today, we have a large canvas of experience, output and learning that we hope to offer many more people and organisations interested in social, environmental and rights based change.

some of you know about our work fully or in parts, some have worked with and supported us and some may have noticed us missing in action for a few months...we are working on this in 2012, so here is a quick update.

presenting below, a glimpse of what we offer...we hope to hear from and work with you. we are based in New Delhi but can work across India and the world.

Wishing you insight, knowledge, creation and space for making social change a reality! we hope to hear from you soon!

Aanchal Kapur
Kriti Founder Leader

- Research, Training, Development Communication....for those looking for a team of skilled people to take on documentation, training and evaluation, development design & communication, rapporteuring, copywriting/ editing, translations and printing for your organisation, Kriti team is the one-stop place to reach. Write to us with your requirement and we will respond to service your need, along with the profile of our work in these areas, across development, environment and human rights issues.

FILM MAKING - we treat documentary films as a piece of research for action and change in attitudes and behaviours. if you are looking for a film to be made on an issue, a programme/ activity or your organisation, get in touch with us!

MEDIA OUTREACH - interested in getting your event/s the required publicity and media coverage in the city of Delhi or other parts of India...we can help you through our network of journalists and feature writers as well as contacts in the audio-visual and print media.

EVENTS ORGANISING - wanting to celebrate socially and environmentally relevant days, through performing and visual arts presentations? do it with us and our pool of creative, talented and professional artists...lets do something meaningful and exciting together...something that can change the way we think and act on issues of concern!

CONFERENCE STATIONARY - if you are looking for creatively designed and useful conference and workshop stationary that suits your budget needs, Kriti team is the place to come...make a selection from available samples and designs or ask us to produce something just for you!

ACCESS OUR RESOURCES & SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY INITIATIVESKRITI FILM CLUB - for those interested in watching a documentary at the Kriti Film Club, look out for the calender of not seen films soon! for those of you interested screening a documentary film at the Kriti Film Club, send us an email with the details and we will schedule a screening soon! we also offer to curate film festivals for you!

OUR DIARY - documenting people's movements around human rights. for those of you wanting a copy of Our Diary, its available!

PAPER RECYCLING - if you are looking at supporting a community women run paper recycling unit initiated by us, make a small or big donation or give us a big order of handmade paper stationary! do you want us to conduct a workshop to 'create an eco-friendly workplace', to recycle waste paper and pick up handmade stationary for your personal and official use, then contact us.

KRITI INFORMATION PLACE - for those of you keen to access a development, environment, human rights, women, children, labour, health or other book from activist and civil society organisations across India,visit the Kriti Information Place to reference, read, photocopy, buy what fancies your need or attention!

KRITI DOCUSHOP - for those keen to buy a documentary film or some socially relevant music, a book or a poster; or any other print based development resource, be surprised at what you'll find at the Kriti Docushop!

GESTURES STALL - for those of you who love to wear and use eco friendly, community made products, the Gestures stall by Kriti team is the place to shop galore. More details on

VOLUNTEER WITH US - Time to spare and share your interests and skills to make our work reach more and more people, to make the necessary impact for social change, to learn and network to build your work experience..Kriti team is the place to start!

SUPPORT US - If you are willing to become a 'Kriti sustainabler', commit to make a donation to support our work as a self-income generating organisation. You can make a monthly or annual donation and we would be happy to acknowledge your contribution publicly. Write a cheque in the name of 'Kriti team' and post it to us or make a bank transfer to our account (ask for details please)

Consider us as a potential partner for funding on a particular theme or programme? We would be happy to hear from you!

+91-11-26033088/ 26027845/
facebook group: Kriti team/ facebook page: Gestures by Kriti team
